Hari ng Ahon 2025 Asin Leg
March 16, 2025
Registration Ends
These rules are intended to create an atmosphere of sportsmanship, equality, and fair play. It also ensures that the participants’ safety and protection are of primary importance. It shall penalize participants who gain unfair advantage or violate the rules.
General Conduct
All participants:
- Are expected to practice sportsmanship at all times. Will be responsible for their own safety and the safety of others.
- Should know, understand and follow the Competition Rules.
- Are expected to obey traffic regulations and instructions from race officials, marshals and law enforcement.
- The route of the race shall be closed to traffic but the participants are still reminded to be mindful of their safety and those of the other participants and the spectators especially along the turns , hence the participants are supposed to ride safely and be mindful of the traffic conditions.
- Should treat other participants, officials, volunteers, and spectators with respect and courtesy.
- Avoid the use of abusive language.
- Inform a Race Official after withdrawing from the race.
- Compete without receiving assistance other than from event personnel and officials.
Although aid stations will be available along the route, we strongly encourage participants to embrace self-sufficiency when it comes to their nutrition and hydration during the race. While aid stations will offer support, being prepared with your own supplies ensures a seamless and enjoyable experience throughout the event.
Littering or unnecessary damage to the environment will not be tolerated and could lead to disqualification.
The riders must complete the entire distance of the race by following the official route.
The riders must act in a polite manner at all times, and permit any faster rider to overtake without obstructing.
Riders must respect the countryside and ride only on the official route. Riders must avoid polluting the race route and not leave any waste or litter.
No glass containers of any kinds are permitted on or near the course.
Riders must not use offensive or abusive language during the race, act in an unsporting manner, be disrespectful to the officials or ignore the race regulations.
Mountain bikes and road bikes in good working condition will be allowed during the race. For Mountain bikes, the minimum tire width is 1.95 inches.
A rider not wearing a helmet at any stage of the race will be removed from the course immediately and is deemed disqualified.
- Participants acknowledge that this activity is strenuous and to be able to join, participants should be in excellent physical condition. Their health and welfare is of paramount importance. By starting in a race, the participants declare they are in good health and are in appropriate physical condition to complete the race;
- Participants are encouraged to perform periodic health evaluation (PHE) and to undergo a pre-participation evaluation (PPE) prior to engaging in competitive sport.
- The participant’s age is determined by their age on December 31st in the year of competition.
- Participants who are minors are required to secure the consent of their parents before joining the race.
- A participant who competes in a category different from his/her age will be disqualified from the events he/she took part in. Any awards, prizes and points will be removed.
- Race registrations are non-transferable. Both participants caught competing under someone else’s registration / or allowing the use of his race registration will be disallowed from joining any All Out Multi-Sports race for a minimum period of one (1) year to a maximum of two (2) years, at the sole discretion of the organizers.
- Any form of misrepresentation will result in an IMMEDIATE DISQUALIFICATION wherein the participant will not be eligible for awards or titles.
Race Kit Claiming
- All participants must present a Valid ID or Birth Certificate at race kit pick-up prior to competition.
- All participants must pick up their race kit at the designated place and time.
- Participants who wish to have their race kits claimed by a representative, participants must provide an authorization letter and a valid ID from the participant who wishes to authorize the representative. This requirement ensures a secure and efficient process for kit collection, allowing participants to designate someone they trust while maintaining the necessary safeguards.
Illegal Equipment
- Headphone(s) and headset(s), mobile phones or any other electronic listening communication device inlc
- Glass containers/bottles
- Bicycles with missing front or rear brakes
- Aerobars/ Tri-bar
Rules on Outside Assistance
Medical assistance and food and liquid are permitted at designated aid stations only. All other outside assistance is prohibited.
Protests concerning the eligibility of a participant shall be made to the race official before the start of the race. Protests concerning the safety of the course or its variance to the regulations must be made to the Referee no later than twenty-four (24) hours before the start of the race.
A participant, who protests against another participant or official, must do so to the race organizers within fifteen (15) minutes of his/her finish time. After this deadline, only protests following this process will be admitted.
Protests concerning mistakes in timing and results (time errors, athletes’ ranking) may be delivered in writing by the athlete to the Race Organizer within thirty (3) days after the competition.
This protest must be accompanied by a deposit of Php 2,000 and will be refunded if the protest is successful. If the protest is denied, there will be no refund and the money will be retained by Race Organizer.
Information to be included:
- The alleged rule violated
- The location and approximate time of the alleged violation
- Persons involved in the alleged violation
- A statement, including a diagram of the alleged violation, if possible
- The names of witnesses who observed the alleged violation